Nanny Finding And Welcoming A New Nanny

Welcoming a new nanny into your home the right way can make a huge difference to a child’s well-being and happiness. And it can also help to quickly establish a solid working relationship on which you’ll come to depend.

We developed this post in partnership with Nanny Laura.
A career nanny with over 30 years of worldwide experience, working with many fantastic families and supporting over 47 babies and children (at her last count!).
Our steps to welcoming a new nanny
Here, we offer some simple steps and processes to follow—from the first interview to three months in—that can make a difference. This is equally true for first-time appointments and families that have to replace an in-role nanny.
Investing time and effort
From the off, finding a new nanny – or a nanny finding a new family – is a project in itself. Whether using nanny agencies or online search tools, it takes time and effort. And so it should!
Given the role is looking after the most precious family members, it stands to reason that you should put time and effort into welcoming the new nanny into your family.
Building and sharing your onboarding plan
Building an onboarding plan reduces the chances of the fit not being right. Also, by sharing the plan with prospective nannies, they know you recognise the importance of the role.
The Rolls Royce approach

At first glance, this seems over-engineered. But if you think about what you’ll expect from the role and the duties of a nanny – it’s not!
We hope this framework acts as a helpful starting point when building your onboarding plan. You can adapt the process to suit your family situation.
Top tip: When you’ve designed your onboarding plan, write it up and give it to any nannies you intend to interview. If you do this, both parties know what to expect and go into the process fully informed. And nannies will realise you are taking the whole process seriously.
Welcoming a new nanny: The first interview
To get to this point, you’ve likely seen the CV and decided that this nanny is worth a further look. Perhaps you’ve even had a telephone call or exchanged emails to arrange the first interview.
Do some prep: This is your chance to meet the nanny face-to-face and to ask some initial questions. It’s always good to do a bit of prep for this interview. Make sure you have a list of standard questions and some specific to the nanny you are meeting.
Take notes: If you see several nannies, take some notes there and then. That way, there’s no confusion when considering who is right for your family.
Top tip: This may seem quite formal and slightly unnerving, so it would be good to say, ‘I hope you don’t mind me jotting a few things down. It’s so I don’t miss anything!’. This will ease the interviewee.
Be friendly: The first interview is often about the family and child. Of course, this is of vital importance and relevance…! However, as this is an early chance to get a personal first impression, I think it’s equally important for the parent to say (with a big smile!): ‘Tell me a little about yourself. What sort of things do you like doing in your more than precious spare time?’ The parent can and should then provide similar information to the nanny. Ice broken.
Invite questions: First impressions made. The interviewer must allow the interviewee to take the stage, as this must be a two-way conversation. So make sure that there are questions from both sides!
Talk about the next steps: And, towards the end of the interview, don’t be afraid to ask if they’d be interested in going onto the next stage. Asking a straightforward question at this stage could save you much time later.
Top Tip: Try and make this a 1-2-1 meeting so you can get to know each other and explore the working fit. But sometimes, little ones also attend as the family don’t have childcare – hence they need a nanny!
Attending: Ideally, the nanny and one of the parents.
Interview duration: Around an hour (unless a non-starter!).
Pick a good time and stick to it: Try not to run this at the end of a long day, as neither party will get the most out of the interview.
Where to host it: Depending on who attends, a cafe is good for 1:1, and a home setting is good if the child and the other parent are present. But wherever you choose, make sure it’s easy to find.
Step two: Reference checking
At the end of the first interview—either right at the end or by email after you’ve made your top selections—is a great time to request and provide written references.
Ideally, two from a prospective nanny’s previous employer(s). And also, if you can, two from the family’s previous nannies. These should be available from when previous employers’ references are available. This makes the process more equal and reassuring to both parties.
They should be without personal details attached as the process is just beginning, and previous employers and nannies do not want to be bombarded with calls!

Our checklist for families appointing a new nanny is a handy resource that may help you check through everything you need to do before making an appointment.
Welcoming a new nanny: The second interview
Both parties should be feeling optimistic and maybe even excited by this stage!
The bigger picture: Only a couple of nannies will likely make the second interview. If you don’t want surprises in the first few weeks of working together, here’s the time to cover and explore the broader expectations of the role and how you would like to work together.
Meet the family: This is also a time to introduce other adult family members. For couples, it’s vital that a new nanny gels with both parents.
If this is the first time a nanny meets the child, as possibly his or her nanny, see how they engage together. Even at this stage, the visible chemistry between the nanny and the child is essential.
NB: Following up on references. It is at this stage that the personal details of certainly the last two references should be made available to both parties. That is previous employers and of course nannies!
Attending: The nanny and, if a couple, both parents and the little one(s) for sure!
Duration: Around half an hour to an hour (unless a non-starter!)
Where to host: This can be out of the home, but often, this is best approached at home as it will give the nanny a view of her potential workplace. This is especially important for live-in nannies.
Sidebar: Remember the UK Right to work checks
Employing a nanny comes with responsibilities. And one of those is checking their right to work in the UK. We can either advise a service or you can follow the governments advice by clicking on the image below. Failure to do this can result in a significant fine, so please don’t forget to check!

Step four: The paid trial
You’ve likely whittled it down to one, checked their right to work, and are now ready to invest a little money to see if this is THE ONE. And, just like the first interview, this is the nanny’s chance to do a final half-day (or thereabouts) check that this family will be her new work home, too.
Give the nanny space: The paid trial (yes, paid!) is all about the chemistry between the nanny and her charge(s). By all means, check in occasionally to see how it’s going. But try to avoid being a constant shadow as this will pressure the dynamic and likely won’t give a fair reflection of how things will be.
After all, if a candidate has made it this far, they need to be given the benefit of the doubt that they are good at their job!
Close with a chat: Towards the end of the day, have an open chat and field any final questions. Fingers crossed, your journey to finding a new nanny is near complete.
If you are really and truly feeling good and interested, then it is a good idea to leave the trial saying something to the effect ‘I really enjoyed our time and think today was a success! Certainly for me! Many thanks for your time!’’.
Attending: The nanny, her prospective charge(s) and a parent
Duration: Half a day
Where to host it: At home
Step five: Meet the current nanny(s)
For some families, this doesn’t feel like a comfortable stage. But for nannies, it’s gold. It gives them a headstart on what to expect and helps to ensure that any hints and tips are passed on. In turn, this supports all-important continuity for the child and the family.
And don’t worry! Nannies are childcare professionals. Their most significant focus is the well-being of the children they care for.
Top tip: Let the nannies sort this out together. In most instances, it will be a telephone call.
Attending: The nanny that’s leaving and, for larger households, other nannies that are in the role Duration: Leave that to the Nannies to arrange
Welcoming a new nanny: The formal job offer
All being wonderful and right for all, the new prospective employer will provide a formal written ‘Offer of Employment’.
This should include a friendly appreciation of the chosen candidate. Words like ‘thrilled!’ and ‘delighted!’. This is a welcome, after all!
Followed by formal stuff:
- Start date
- Hours of work / hourly rate in gross terms so it allows for tax and National Insurance
- Address of place of work
- Description of role
- Invitation for the nanny to ask any questions or voice any concerns before a contract is drawn up
Step seven: The contract
Typically, this is a generic document that can be tweaked where individually required so long as it is mutually agreeable. You can find examples of these online from a variety of nanny organisations.

Recommendation: Do consider using a nanny PAYE specialist. We exclusively recommend NannyPaye – a 5-star Trustpilot business.
A quick call with them will help you understand what you need to do as an employer and how they can help you with a lot of the responsibilities you now have to manage.

All parties concerned must go through the contract with a fine-tooth comb. This will avoid any regrets down the line. Although the process will have been very relaxed and friendly up to this stage, this is a job, and there have to be rules and understandings in writing for everyone’s peace of mind.
Top Tip: Be mindful that this contract has to work for both parties. Presenting a contract that’s too one-sided could lead to difficult conversations early on!
Once read through (a good couple of times!), both parties sign and date it. All the information within the Offer of Employment will be set within the contract (start date, salary, etc.). Signing and dating can be done electronically.
The probation period and the handover
The handover should be a great and worthwhile experience. It’s a real chance for the leaving nanny or parent to showcase the role. To show what it’s like to be doing this!! Equally, it is the new nanny’s chance to shine! It’s a time of learning everyone’s ways (particularly the little ones.
Baby steps: The beginning is about observing and not treading on any toes. Then, gradually become more active in whatever is happening. This can happen quickly or slowly, depending on how the relationship develops.
Handing over the reins: The new nanny must be allowed to form their new role. This may mean ‘alone time’ with the child. Often, this makes their life easier and less confusing for the child. Too many cooks and all that! This is supposed to be a relaxed and smooth process.
The idea is that bit by bit, the new nanny takes full charge by the end of the handover. Making whoever was in charge at the start… no longer in charge!
Handover complete.
Position filled!
You’ve done it! You’ve found the one. And now it’s time to let your new nanny, nanny!
Welcoming a new nanny your way
They will need guidance on where things are in the home that are relevant to their workspace and duties and made to feel relaxed enough to make a cup of tea during the day and have lunch and a break.
It sounds obvious but often overlooked!
Like any professional position, it’s essential to create moments when the family or the nanny can bring up something that doesn’t feel right. Early on, it may be a good idea to schedule a weekly moment to ask how it’s going. This is best kept as an informal chat rather than a sit-down and make-notes meeting. Both parties are likely to be more relaxed and open that way.
Addressing problems early on and adapting is a far better solution than letting things build up. So do try to create an environment where the nanny and the family can give feedback without fear of a frosty reception!
Online nanny finding made simple
Finally, good luck with your search and selection. We hope Army of Nannies’ smart matching criteria have helped a fantastic nanny find an excellent nanny!